Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Does Parenting Really Affect Aggressiveness in Adolescents?

    My parents are the best people I know. Out of the 20 years of my life, they have never tried to hurt or betray me. Everything they do is to benefit and help me grow to become successful and happy. I know they are so good to me because I am their oldest daughter. Their parenting style is authoritative. Authoritative is defined as parents will listen and respond to my thoughts while having high standards. When I have their support, it makes me feel good and always puts me in a good mood.

    Parental support is the love and affectionate bond between children and their parents. Van et al. (2020) hypothesized that when adolescents feel supported, they are less likely to show aggressive behavior. On the other hand, aggression increases when parents are too controlling or use negative parenting (Van et al., 2020).  The study tested the association between parenting and aggression and if dopamine genetics also play a role. 

    The authors of this article found that there is no association between parenting and behavior. However, the study did provide some proof that the link between parental support and aggression was controlled by dopamine reactivity. According to Van et al., (2020), the dopaminergic pathway is connected to the neurotransmitter dopamine which is linked to impulsivity and emotion regulation skills which can contribute to aggression. For example, if an adolescent has low or high levels of dopamine, they become less active in being normal. Instead, they will go towards risky behaviors such as experimenting with drugs. 

    Van et al., (2020) goes in depth that a stronger dopamine level leads to more aggressive behavior. Those who have high levels could also involve adolescents in risky behaviors. This proves that an adolescents’ aggressive behavior could be from genetics. Based on the Biosocial Developmental Model, there are many ways where aggression can take place. One of them is associated with genetics by high levels of dopamine, another is parenting which is associated with effortful control. Effortful control is the ability to detect mistakes and engage in planning (Van et al., 2020). 

    According to the study by Eisenberg et al. 2005, the connection between aggression and parental support and punishment respectively became less correlated when adolescent effortful control took place. I even had those moments where even though I knew my rights and wrongs but I still would be angry if my parents did not allow me to do something. When it comes to parenting, it is important to observe your child and think of ways of how to successfully raise kids.

Van Heel, M., Bijttebier, P., Claes, S., Colpin, H., Goossens, L., Hankin, B., Van Den Noortgate, W., Verschueren, K., Young, J., & Van Leeuwen, K. (2020). Parenting, Effortful Control, and Adolescents’ Externalizing Problem Behavior: Moderation by Dopaminergic Genes. Journal of Youth & Adolescence, 49(1), 252–266.

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