Sunday, May 2, 2021

Go Get Some Sleep!

 By: Hunter Doiron

    I will be the first to admit that I struggle sleeping when I should. Research from Rusnac et al. (2019) looked at the voluntary and involuntary origins of sleep loss for adolescents as it relates to risky behavior. They clarify the risky behaviors they are interested in are drinking and reckless driving because of their prevalence and severity (Rusnac et al., 2019). Surveying 536 late adolescent university students ages 19-25, they found those with voluntary sleep loss reported a higher quantity of drinking and riskier driving (Rusnac et al., 2019). They see personality and the sleep loss itself contributing to this higher risk taking, so there is a way for you and me to steer away from risky behavior; just get more sleep!


Rusnac, N., Spitzenstetter, F., & Tassi, P. (2019). Chronic sleep loss and risk-taking behavior:

Does the origin of sleep loss matter? Behavioral Sleep Medicine, 17(6), 729–739.

For Image:
Steinberg, Laurence D. Adolescence. McGraw-Hill Education, 2020.


  1. Wish I could sleep more, but this is something I might need to show my friend.

  2. This is very true Hunter. I didn't have sleep issues until I got older. A good night's sleep does wonder for you.

  3. This is a very interesting post! Much information that I was not aware of. As a college student, I wish I could get more sleep.

  4. This post is awesome because it highlights the importance of sleep, which is very underrated!!

  5. This is a great post , sleep is very important and being in college I seem to never get any sleep.

  6. This an interesting post! I noticed that I started to sleep late and waking up late which would make me even more tired during the day. I still haven’t found a good sleeping schedule since I started college

  7. Hunter, great blog and how accurate your last statement rings true. "Just get more sleep!" Unfortunately, for me it was not till later in life that this was realized and put into practice.


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